Episode 88: Project L Review and More Seductive Stouts
It was like being inside a warm cardboard computer, hands and mind humming in tune with the circuitry.
Episode 87: Brian of The Bridge Teachers Puts Me Up on Game
A chat with Brian Reynolds about learning and loving bridge, cocktails at my favorite Trinidad spot, and comparing two mixes of MC Lyte’s “Ruffneck.”
Episode 86: I Review Storm Above the Reich and My Seasonal Depression
Cinnamon whiskey and hot chonklit vs. the cold. Introspection vs. depression. WWII vs. boredom. Sadat X vs. your boring playlist.
Episode 85: 2024 Top Board Game Moments: 10 Indelible Scenes
2024’s 10 most memorable board gaming scenes, a cocktail recoo from our Chief Mixologist, and a Craig Mack track.
Episode 84: Enough Thanksgiving Board Games to Make You Puke
Thanksgiving ‘24: An admonishment to the tenebrous heart that spends too much time counting its wounds. Also, board games.
Episode 83: Dark Colorado Beers and Rich-Tasting Boardgame Replays
We reconsider Thunderbolt Apache Leader, Final Girl: Madness in the Dark, Wingspan and StarWars: Outer Rim with four pints of the dark stuff.
Episode 82: Jeremy’s Fall and His Climb to a WSOP Table
Jeremy plunged off a rock face in 2004 and decided to climb green felt surfaces after that. All the way to the WSOP in 2014. (Photo: Jamie Thomson, Vegas Photo Studio)
Episode 81: Board Game Peeves, Rants and Passions
The board game passions, biases, and peeves that make me the irascible podcaster that I am.
Episode 80: Star Wars Outer Rim and a Nice Glass of Farmer’s Punch
Mix Farmer's Punch, shake with Star Wars Outer Rim, garnish with diss track by Masta Ace.
Episode 79: After the Board Games of Summer are Gone
Vale of Eternity, Wingspan, Cascadia and Cockroach Poker: Boardgaming highlights of Summer 2024.
Episode 78: LSD and Chess — How to Learn, See and Win With Matt Thrower
Milagro and molten steel; the winners of our Boardgames and Debauchery story contest; Miami Bass meets house in ‘88.
Episode 77: Final Girls, Bulldogs and Brooklyn Cowboys
My first Bulldog cocktail, my first Final Girl game, and then we ride out with a bunch of Brooklyn mic psychos. Giddyup.
Episode 76: Dustrunner vs. Tin Helm
Will Dustrunner steal any table time from Tin Helm? Will somebody bring me more Stampede lager? Will I ever figure out why my output levels died on export despite not having changed a single setting in years, on a Track of the Week segment in which I highlight a J-Live/Jazzy Jeff track that focuses on the importance of craft? It’s goddamn embarrassing.
Episode 75: Tell Us Your Tales of Boardgames and Debauchery
Battle of the $28 Fifths is decided. Our story contest kicks off. Two hip hop skits I actually like.
Episode 74: Wasteland Express Delivery Service Revisited
Degrading cocktails. Degraded liquors. An old love back on the game table. A newer one back on the speakers.
Episode 73: Pocket Book Adventures Hits the Target
A cocktail booklet full of bad ideas, a solo dungeon crawl full of good ones, and a flawless DJ Quik track in review.
Episode 72: Handsome Boy Close-Support Air Squadron School
Crappy bourbon is upgraded. Warcraft are armed and target-bound. Prince Paul and Dan the Automator show us the filthy side of this business.
Episode 71: Bird Dog, Bohnanza and Street Platoons
Bird Dog 7 Year Old Small Batch Bourbon, the classic card game Bohnanza, and “The Killing Fields” by Psycho Realm all earn their stripes.
Episode 70: Various Ass-Whippings, On and Off the Game Table
Reveling in the success of home-infused cinnamon whiskey, recounting board games with Pops, and five reasons why Heavy D’s “Don’t Curse” is a holy artifact to me
Episode 69: Drinking Bourbon, Building Decks and Catching Wreck
Reflecting on two bottles of Yellowstone Bourbon, surprising Dominion losses, and Track 39 of our “50 Deep Cuts” list: “Da Whole Kit and Kaboodle” by Mad Kap