Episode 87: Brian of The Bridge Teachers Puts Me Up on Game


I continue the campaign to locate and eliminate the network of imposters using one of my handles. Pitch in if you can.

Drink of the Week (2:24)
Tippling on a Sunday at AlMack’s in Trinidad, Colorado. We happily down the Smokehound and the Porch Sitter.

Game of the Week (6:31)
Brian Reynolds fell in love with bridge in college. And with the woman who taught it to him. Now they’re The Bridge Teachers, looking to show you why this isn’t a cultural relic, but maybe your next great love.

Track of the Week (35:45)
Comparing Wreckx-n-Effect’s hit LP mix of MC Lyte’s “Ruffneck” with the Beatnuts’ rework.


Episode 88: Project L Review and More Seductive Stouts


Episode 86: I Review Storm Above the Reich and My Seasonal Depression