Board games, booze and hip hop with an autobiographical, comedic and melancholic bent.

Have a seat. Pour one. Take your turn. Check out the scratch on this chorus.

You’re home.

About Your Host
The Lord Chief Rocka #1 a.k.a. Colonel Hector Bravado a.k.a. The Great Unclean One. Off the mic, simply Nate.

Refugee of B2B marketing and PR firms, two startups, one newspaper and one marriage. Crash-landed in Starkville, Colorado during COVID. Too tired to go anywhere else.

Amaze and disgust your remaining friends with four original shots and one cocktail recipe as featured on the podcast.

The Breakup Gaming Society shot and cocktail booklet is how I tell you I care.

Get your copy when you support the show. Donate here.