Episode 39: The Crew Card Game and Tasting Tequila With Geriatrics
My cousin shows us The Crew, a co-op card game, I taste tequila with the fam, and then I play Chubb Rock.
Episode 24: First Transmission from Trinidad
I drank my way through a Herradurra gift pack to celebrate first episode recorded in Trinidad, Colorado.
Episode 20: And the Caballeros Pour Out of the Castillo
Cornelius claims they’re running stolen cars out of the motel where he lives.
Episode 17: I Love Card Games Where You Kill Your Family
Let’s uncork some Codigo 1530 Reposado and play Gloom, a card game where you win by killing your family.
Episode 14: As My Teeth Drift Through the Air in Slo-Mo
Catch a slo-mo beatdown with BattleCon and share in some wine-barreled tequila! It’s not like you have anything else going on.