Episode 62: A Christmas Boardgaming Miracle for a Drunken, Bitter Man
All these killer kids were super into learning how to play Cockroach Poker on Christmas Eve, so we taught them.
Episode 56: Small-Game Avalanche Warning
Previewing a purchasing storm that left Tiny Library 1, 60 Second Cocktail, Mouse Cheese Cat Cucumber and Castle Poker on my shores.
Episode 42: Warhammer 40,000 Conquest is Still My Favorite Game of All Time
The best card game. The best rapper. The lamest Congressman. We’re on one.
Episode 34: We Probably Shouldn’t Record in Hotels Anymore
What do you mean we can’t use the ballroom, there’s nobody in here leave us alone
Episode 30: This Episode's Not Even Good Until the JK Part
Mimicked: Sen Dog
Consumed: Dickel No. 12
Played: Fox in the Forest Duet
Spun: “Keep it Thoro,” Prodigy
Episode 25: My Mom Is Better at Reviewing Whiskey Than I Am
Moms and I compare tasting notes for Basil Hayden and George Dickel No. 12 on the phone because COVID.
Episode 24: First Transmission from Trinidad
I drank my way through a Herradurra gift pack to celebrate first episode recorded in Trinidad, Colorado.
Episode 22: Let’s Get Drunk and Figure Out What Happened During the Last Blackout
Denver: truly a city of things.
Episode 18: The Death Rocket Brings Tales of Dogs and Owls
Drinking a fifth of Mezcal and teaching the card game, Dominion, to a garrulous Georgia boy.
Episode 17: I Love Card Games Where You Kill Your Family
Let’s uncork some Codigo 1530 Reposado and play Gloom, a card game where you win by killing your family.