Episode 85: 2024 Top Board Game Moments: 10 Indelible Scenes
2024’s 10 most memorable board gaming scenes, a cocktail recoo from our Chief Mixologist, and a Craig Mack track.
Episode 84: Enough Thanksgiving Board Games to Make You Puke
Thanksgiving ‘24: An admonishment to the tenebrous heart that spends too much time counting its wounds. Also, board games.
Episode 81: Board Game Peeves, Rants and Passions
The board game passions, biases, and peeves that make me the irascible podcaster that I am.
Episode 75: Tell Us Your Tales of Boardgames and Debauchery
Battle of the $28 Fifths is decided. Our story contest kicks off. Two hip hop skits I actually like.
Episode 64: Bullshit I’m Not Doing Anymore
Not drinking that. Not playing that. Not trying to hear any of that.
Episode 59: Vintage Cocktail, New Card Game, Vintage Beat
An old cocktail is resurrected, a new cocktail card game is opened, and we listen to some Whodini.
Episode 58: Return to The Belt
Four ill-advised cocktail/shot recipes. Four missions on space wrecks in Dead Belt. 110 minutes of hip hop, and a poem.
Episode 57: I’m Tired Please Tell Me What to Drink and Play
New original cocktail recipe. Fitting a memorial service into a board game day. Thoughts on billy woods’ “Heavy Water.”
Episode 32: Unboxing Cry Havoc and Unbottling Stolichnaya
Cry Havoc and shake that Stoli with ice I’ve had it up to here with that lady
Episode 33: Getting Gills Deep in Cognac and More Cry Havoc
It’s easier to set up a board game if you have cognac for when the vodka runs out
Episode 31: Belushi Speed Ball Probably Shouldn’t Bank on that Fireball Sponsorship
Belushi Speed Ball, Louisville’s finest thrashcore outfit, hops on Zoom with us to discuss hottest architectural trends.
Episode 29: What Does Settlers of Catan Look Like to a Noob?
Capshaw Holt discovers board games. Whiskey is drunk. Dead Prez is played.
Episode 28: More Horseshit at the Black Monarch Hotel
Second from our doubleheader at the Black Monarch Hotel: Suntory Whiskey, Cheaty Mages and more Beastie Boys.
Episode 27: Debauchery at the Black Monarch Hotel
First of two episodes recorded in the Tesla Room of the Black Monarch Hotel. You get fucked up fast at 10,000 feet.
Episode 24: First Transmission from Trinidad
I drank my way through a Herradurra gift pack to celebrate first episode recorded in Trinidad, Colorado.
Episode 18: The Death Rocket Brings Tales of Dogs and Owls
Drinking a fifth of Mezcal and teaching the card game, Dominion, to a garrulous Georgia boy.
Episode 17: I Love Card Games Where You Kill Your Family
Let’s uncork some Codigo 1530 Reposado and play Gloom, a card game where you win by killing your family.
Episode 16: The Most Beautifulest Game We’ve Played All Year
Xian and Mortarion break out some Maestro Dobel Anejo and play Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan.
Episode 15: BattleCon Redux Plus an Exchange of Laundry Money
We get heavy into Jim Beam Devil’s Cut and touch upon three wildly different card games.
Episode 14: As My Teeth Drift Through the Air in Slo-Mo
Catch a slo-mo beatdown with BattleCon and share in some wine-barreled tequila! It’s not like you have anything else going on.